Today I was
watching a popular blog on the internet that focuses on good TV shows; the kind
of shows that bring some visual impact for the audience. I have tuned in to
documentaries, classic movies and real life shows. I would not like for ‘’real
life shows’’ to be mistaken in this context with reality television because
they are two absolutely different things. The one show I was interested in was
‘’Bait Car’’. This show was about law enforcement officials who leave cars
parked in urban areas usually with the keys inside and the doors open, shortly
after they ‘’deploy’’ the bait car, a ‘’fish’’ would bite or in this case a
burglar would jump on the front seat to take the car away.
When I saw
this show (which is shot in areas with high car-related crime rates such as
California, Arizona and Texas) I found it incredibly disturbing to see how easy
these individuals had it to steal expensive things like vehicles. In their
show, they leave the cars open but I know for a fact that whenever vehicles are
stolen they are rarely left open and decorated with a shiny set of keys
dangling from the chain.
I paid a
lot of money for my car (I was in debt for at least two years) and I guess I
belong in a majority where having a car stolen or your home broken into is not
a nice feeling by any means, so I made sure to contact a locksmith in El Paso to have them comprehensively revamp my
vehicle’s security system. They changed the lock (so that the engine and door
wouldn’t start and open with the same key) and then they installed a car alarm
with a high tech system that lets the user know when their vehicle is being
tampered with an alert on a little screen that acts as a key chain. Thanks to
the locksmith in El Paso I now feel
a lot better and also safer.