Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Having my own set of keys

Women need to stop depending on men. Trust me, I was one of those women that growing up I thought one day I would become the perfect housewife that would expect her husband to come home everyday from work and have his dinner ready. And for a while I was that person, but let me tell you that reality is way different now. The economic struggles of the twenty-first century practically force every person in the house to work. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against housewives; the work that they do is way harder than what any man does. But unfortunately being a housewife is not an option in my case, and that means that I had to take a different control of my life.

For example, at the beginning of my marriage something in me always “knew” that my husband was the one who had to open the house door, drive the car, change a flat tire, and run all the errands that were “men-related”. Stereotypes, I know, don’t judge me. But at the same time something told me that I had to have some kind of independence.  So when I started working full time and got my own car I knew I couldn’t depend on my husband to open the door for me or do all those “men-things”. The first step was getting my own set of keys with a locksmith in El Paso, the beautiful place where I live. Having my own set of keys gave me special powers. I felt like a woman in control, my eyes opened and I realized that I couldn´t live under stereotypes. I know it sounds silly but it is true. I could get home at any time and not depend on someone to open the door for me.  I had more control of my time and that felt liberating. 

Sometimes I want to go back that locksmith in El Paso and thank him for giving me the keys that changed my perspective. My husband is happy to see that I feel more confident and not afraid to make decisions. Now I change tires, visit the hardware store, work hard everyday and even sometimes get home late to find out that he is the one who has my dinner ready.