Women need to stop depending on men. Trust me,
I was one of those women that growing up I thought one day I would become the perfect
housewife that would expect her husband to come home everyday from work and
have his dinner ready. And for a while I was that person, but let me tell you
that reality is way different now. The economic struggles of the twenty-first
century practically force every person in the house to work. Don’t get me
wrong, I have nothing against housewives; the work that they do is way harder
than what any man does. But unfortunately being a housewife is not an option in
my case, and that means that I had to take a different control of my life.

Sometimes I want to go back that locksmith in El Paso and thank him for
giving me the keys that changed my perspective. My husband is happy to see that
I feel more confident and not afraid to make decisions. Now I change tires,
visit the hardware store, work hard everyday and even sometimes get home late
to find out that he is the one who has my dinner ready.