New technology
develops year to year and whenever a product is launched we might feel the
desire to buy it, but not the feeling of actually needing it. However, if a new
product or service is launched and we acquire it, we use it for some time and
get used to it, we would feel desperate and we would feel a huge need to get it
back if it were taken away from us.
Just think
of the internet or cell phones. They haven’t been around for that long but we
have become so dependent on those two things. If you leave the house and
realize you forgot your phone, you go crazy! Or if for some reason the internet
is off, you can’t find what to do all day and you get frustrated.
As we get used to things, we begin
to take them for granted. Just like phones or the internet, imagine what our
world would be like if locks didn’t exist! When you think of locks, technology
isn’t exactly what comes into your mind. But what if nobody had ever invented
them!? Before they existed, people were used to not having locks. But now that they
do exist, if they were ever to disappear we would get a terrible feeling of
being unsafe and we would never want to leave our house in fear that someone
would break in and steal everything.